Database Reference
In-Depth Information
WHAT information is needed to carry out this activity? Again
here, you are trying to refine the requirements of each operation
by identifying its input(s).
WHAT does this activity involve? Obtaining the answer to this
question will help you to further refine the operation in question.
WHEN is it normally done? Obtaining the answer to this question
will help you to further refine the operation in question by
determining whether there is a time constraint on an operation.
WHY is this important? WHY is this done? WHY…? Obtaining
answers to these probes will help you to gain a better
understanding of the requirements of the software system.
Of course, your approach to obtaining answers to these probing questions will be
influenced by whether the software system being researched is to be used for in-house
purposes, or marketed to the public. The next few sections will examine the commonly
used information gathering strategies.
A3.2 Interviewing
Interviewing is the most frequent method of information gathering. It can be very
effective if carefully planned and well conducted. It is useful when the information
needed must be elaborate, or clarification on various issues is required. The interview
also provides an opportunity for the software engineer to win the confidence and trust of
clients. It should therefore not be squandered.
Steps in Planning the Interview
In panning to conduct an interview, please observe the following steps:
Read background information.
Establish objectives.
Decide whom to interview.
Prepare the interviewee(s).
Decide on structure and questions.
Basic Guidelines for Interviews
Figure A3-1 provides some guidelines for successfully planning and conducting an
interview. These guidelines are listed in the form of a do-list, and a don't-list.
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