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The technique has three significant disadvantages that discourage widespread use as
a primary hash function:
It offers no guarantee against collision (though it can be
minimized by carefully choosing the divisor).
It does not perform very well in attempting to distribute keys
evenly across the address space.
As the size of the data set increases, so does the likelihood of
A2.2.4 Mid-Square
In the mid-square technique, the key value is squared, and then a specific number of
digits is extracted from the “middle” of the result to yield the hash address. If an address
space of N digits is desired, then digits are truncated at both ends of the squared key
value, leaving N digits from the middle.
As an example, suppose that we need a 4-digit address, and we have a key value of
7895. The address could be determined as follows:
Like the division-remainder technique, when a record is to be stored or retrieved,
its address is first determined via the hash function.
The technique is a slight improvement over the division-remainder technique,
providing the following advantages:
It is simple and easy to implement.
It is very efficient for small files as well as large files.
It performs reasonably well in attempting to distribute the keys
evenly over the address space.
It avoids using two physical files for a single data file.
The technique has one significant disadvantage: It offers no guarantee against
collision (but the performance is better than the division-remainder technique).
A2.2.5 Folding
The folding technique involves partitioning the key into several parts and combining
the parts in a convenient way (via multiplication, addition or subtraction) to obtain a
hash address.
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