Database Reference
In-Depth Information
25.7 Summary and Concluding Remarks
Let us summarize what we have covered in this Chapter:
A Web-accessible database is simply a database that can be
accessed via the WWW.
Web-accessible databases provide a number of benefits to
companies and individuals that implement and/or use them.
Among the benefits are facilitation of e-commerce, broadening
of the company's scope of operation and market reach, a wide
range of conveniences, improved productivity, and improved
competitive advantage.
A Web-accessible database may be implemented as a two-tiered
system or a three-tiered system. Additionally, they may be C2B
or B2B.
The supporting technologies for Wed-accessible databases
include Web servers, server-side extensions, server interfaces,
XML, SOAP, WSDL, and client-extensions.
Both Oracle and DB2 implement Web-accessible databases as a
matter of policy.
Implementation of a Web-accessible database can be
summarized into two simple but profound steps: creating
the database and creating the Web-accessible user interface. The
tools used must meet minimum industry standards.
Web-accessible databases are among one of the technology-related phenomena that
have transformed life in the twenty-first century. They are expected to continue to be an
integral part of life in the foreseeable future.
This takes us to the end of the chapters for the course. If you understand most of the
issues discussed, and now have a desire to delve more deeply into some aspects of the
field, then the course has succeeded in its intent. If you find that you now have a strong
desire to make database systems one of your areas of expertise, then welcome to the
community! You will find it a wonderfully rewarding and progressive field.
25.8 Review Questions
Give the definition of a web-accessible database. Provide
justification for their existence.
Discuss two example of the usefulness of Web-accessible
Discuss the two-tiered approach to implementing Web-
accessible database. When should you use such an approach?
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