Database Reference
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Figure 5-14. Partial O/ESG for Manufacturing Environment ( continued )
5.9 Database Design via Normalization Theory
Although this is seldom done, you can actually use the normalization theory as discussed
in chapter 4 to design the basic conceptual schema (involving the structure of the base
relations) of a relational database. In practice, normalization is used as a check-and-balance
mechanism to acceptability of a database's conceptual schema. As such, normalization can
(and should) be applied to each of the database design approaches discussed.
This section looks at two sample database design problems, and shows how the
normalization theory can be used to solve them.We will advance the discussion by using
two problem scenarios that will hopefully identify with.
5.9.1 Example: Mountaineering Problem
Suppose that we wish to record information about the activities of mountaineers in a
relational database. Let us make the assumption that a climber can only begin one climb
per day. Figure 5-15 illustrates an initial set attributes (with suggested implementation
names in square brackets) for the database.
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