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releases ethylene) prior to packing and storage developed
severe CI symptoms, expressed as mesocarp discolouration
after 3 weeks at 5°C. 'Fuerte' fruit treated with ethylene
gas (100 μl l −1 ) for 24 h at 20°C prior to storage at 5°C
exhibited mesocarp discolouration, which increased
dramatically during shelf life at 20°C. 'Fuerte' fruit treated
in cold storage with a continuous low-ethylene dose (4 μl
l −1 ) developed severe browning in the fruit pulp after 3
weeks at 5°C. 'Hass' fruit treated with 50 μl l −1 ethylene,
for 12, 24 or 48 h at 5°C showed a gradual increase in
mesocarp discolouration after 3 weeks in cold storage plus
shelf life; the 48 h ethylene-treated fruit exhibited the most
severe pulp browning. Use of absorbent sachets that
removed ethylene from modified atmosphere (MA)
packages reduced mesocarp discolouration and decay
development in 'Hass' fruit after 5 weeks storage at 5°C.
Application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), which
inhibits ethylene effects by competitive binding to ethylene
receptors, reduced mesocarp discolouration, decay devel-
opment and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity, whereas
this enzyme activity was induced in ethylene-treated fruit
that were cold stored for 4 weeks. 1-MCP (50-1000 nl l −1 )
treated fruit were firmer following storage for 4 to 7 weeks
at 5.5°C and 6-24 h, at 6 or 15°C, had reduced skin
colouration (purpling) at removal from storage, increased
time to softening, and reduced physiological disorders
associated with long-term storage (Woolf et al . 2005).
Fruit conditioned at temperatures of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and
15 °C for a period of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 days before 3 weeks
storage at 0°C, had reduced skin damage. The optimum
temperature/time combinations were 6 or 8°C for 3-5 days
prior to 0°C storage (Woolf et al . 2003).
may be covered with spore masses in the later stages of
infection. Decay penetrates through the flesh resulting in
discrete areas of discoloured flesh. In cultivars that darken
when ripe (such as Hass), rots may be less obvious exter-
nally. The most prevalent fungi responsible for post-harvest
diseases of avocado fruit are Colletotrichum acutatum , C.
gloeosporioides , Botryosphaeria parva , B. dothidea and
Phomopsis (Hartill 1991). Apart from Phomopsis , which is
almost exclusively isolated from stem end rots, these fungi
can cause both stem end rots and anthracnose (a disease
usually characterised by necrotic lesions on the body of the
fruit) on 'Hass' avocados. Botryosphaeria spp. is generally
isolated in greater numbers from rots of avocados than are
any of the other fungi.
The most important post-harvest decays of avocados are
caused by the fungi C. gloeosporides , which causes
anthracnose or black spot decay, and Diplodia natalensis .
Also important are Phomopsis spp. and Dothiorella spp.
which cause stem-end rot (Ahmed & Barmore 1980).
Infection with C . gloeosporides occurs while the fruit is
developing on the tree. Fruit spot disease caused by
C.  gloeosporioides is the most commonly occurring dis-
ease of avocado. Infection of avocado fruits by Fusarium
solani and F. sambucinum causes accelerated softening of
fruits. Other diseases of avocados are cercospora spot
( Cercospora purpurea ) and scab ( Sphaceloma perseae ),
which attack leaves as well as fruits (Kadam & Salunkhe
1995). Anthracnose, caused by Glomerella cingulata, of
which the conidial state is Colletotrichum gloeosporioides,
is found in the United States, Israel (Prusky et al . 1983),
Argentina (Oste & Ramallo 1974), Australia (Peterson &
Inch 1980), New Zealand (Hartill 1991), India, South
Africa (Rowell 1983) and Puerto Rico (Nolla 1926).
Infection studies have identified Colletotrichum gloe-
osporioides as a weak pathogen. Anthracnose appears as
the fruit begins to soften as circular black spots covered
with pinkish spore masses in later stages. Decay can pen-
etrate through the flesh and induce browning and rancid
flavour. Infection is enhanced by wounding, artificially and
by the fruit spotting bug (Fitzell 1987). On the tree during
the season, spores of this fungus have been shown to ger-
minate, form an appressoria and a short infection peg
which penetrates about 1.5 μm into the skin (Coates et al .
1993). The fungus then remains quiescent until harvest,
when antifungal dienes in the skin of avocado fruit break
down due to degradation by lipoxygenase activity (Karni
et al . 1989; Prusky et al . 1988), the fungus resumes growth
and invades the avocado fruit to cause post-harvest rots
(Prusky et al . 1988, 1984, 1983, 1990, 1991; Adikaram
et al . 1992; Neeman et al . 1970; Sivanathan & Adikaram
Post-harvest diseases of avocados, an important problem
of this crop, are commonly developed during the latter
stages of fruit ripening, with symptoms first appearing
when fruit are minimally ripe but often becoming quite
severe before the fruit are over soft. Fruit ripened at 20°C
and assessed at the same stage of ripeness, just before the
flesh becomes over soft, had fewer post-harvest rots if they
had been previously stored at 4°C or 6°C, than if they had
been stored at either lower or higher temperatures. Diseases
of avocados are divided into two categories on the basis of
their location (Snowdon 1990). Stem end rots enter the
fruit at the stem, or peduncle end of the fruit and move
down the fruit resulting in discoloured flesh, often with
associated browning of the vascular strands (Johnson &
Kotze 1994). Body rots invade through the skin and are
generally manifested as circular brown to black spots that
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