Information Technology Reference
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Cross Tabs
A cross tabulation displays the joint distribution of two or more variables. Variables are usually
presented as a contingency table in a matrix format, as you will find it inside a spreadsheet.
Whereas a frequency distribution provides the distribution of one variable, a contingency table
describes the distribution of two or more variables simultaneously. Each cell shows the number
of respondents who gave a specific combination of responses—that is, each cell contains a single
cross tabulation.
Before we go into the magic of the Custom Report Wizard—which i am quite
confident you can see already from Figure 7.19—let's outline its functioning. that way,
you'll be aware of the basic limitations before the creation of magic begins.
Figure 7.19 Custom Report Wizard
the Custom Report Wizard is based on pivot table technology, which allows
you to drag and drop dimensions (groups) and metrics into a table for instant render-
ing. to use it, follow these steps:
to develop your custom report, drag groups and metrics into their respective
dashed boxes. When dragging items across, you will notice that a black hori-
zontal bar appears when you add a new item to the custom report. this bar
illustrates the item's position after you drop it. in Figure 7.20, we've applied a
Revenue metric to the visit report.
As soon as you drop a dimension (group) item or a metric, an example grid
appears in the background, essentially creating an instant and real-time preview
of how the report will look when you render it.
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