Information Technology Reference
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note that the report in Figure 4.4 and those from earlier include product nam-
ing and product categorization, which we are yet to talk about, and thus your reports
will look different. however, you can view merchandising reporting and products on a
skU level, as shown in Figure 4.5. You only have this option, though, if you have not
uploaded any merchandising information. if you proceed to the summary report, you
will see the screen shown in Figure 4.5.
Figure 4.5 Viewing products by SKU
as i mentioned earlier, you can choose to view products by skU to begin with
and then associate product names and categorization later. now, let's move on to
tracking products added to your cart.
Tracking Products Added to the Cart
The next natural step after tracking product views is to track which products your visi-
tors choose to add to their shopping carts on your website. adding something to the
shopping cart tells a lot beyond the action itself, and you can perform a lot of behav-
ioral analysis later, armed with this event tracked.
it should not be possible to add anything to the cart without having tracked the
product viewed first, making this a very natural extension to your general sales funnel
Yahoo! Web analytics provides this feature out of the box as yet another hard-
coded event very similar to PRODUCT_VIEW . The unique action value is called ADD_TO_CART .
This action is typically tracked as an on-click action on the add to cart button
or on the cart page itself (see Figure 4.6). This all depends on your cart features and
the overall e-commerce checkout-process technology.
Figure 4.6 On-click Add to Cart example
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