Biomedical Engineering Reference
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8.5 Chapter 3 : Center of Gravity
8.5.1 Objectives
• To determine the center of gravity of an object
• To investigate the equilibrium situations
8.5.2 Activity 4: Center of Gravity Necessary Materials
- Two large paper clips
- Needle-nose pliers
- Tape
- Two coins Procedure
Construct a structure equivalent to that of Fig. 8.7 , with the suggested material.
Open one of the paper clips using a needle-nose pliers and transform it into a new V
form. Join the two clips with tape, as illustrated in Fig. 8.7 . Then, fix each coin with
tape at the extremity of the clip in V (upside-down). The structure is ready. Now
rest it on a pencil or a pole and verify the equilibrium. Think about the concept of
center of gravity and of torque due to the weight force on a body and justify the
observed equilibrium.
You can use other material and elaborate other forms to investigate the center of
gravity of these forms and the importance of torque of weight force.
Fig. 8.7 Structure elaborated for the investigation of the concept of center of gravity of an object
and the corresponding torque due to the weight force. ( a ) Front view and ( b ) back view of
the structure
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