Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Let's test this. Open the Belize_Basemap.mxd file. You can find it in the supporting
files for this chapter, 8648OT_02_Files , which can be downloaded from . Perform the following set of steps in order to test the new domain we
just added:
1. Add the Diners feature class and set the symbology like you did in Chapter 1 ,
Authoring Geodatabases .
2. Open the Editor toolbar, point the cursor to Editor , and then click on Start Edit-
ing .
3. Add a new diner feature next to Vernon Street.
4. Click on the Attributes tab to set the attributes.
5. Set the Diner's Name field as Ruby's Diner .
6. For the Rating field, select Good ; note that a drop-down list pops up for us to se-
lect from, as shown in the following screenshot:
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