Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Active substance
Spray/coating before packaging
Spray/coating after packaging
Incorporation in package
Chemical immobilization in package
Migration of active substance (Han, 2000).
Fig. 16.7
16.11 Implications and future plan
To apply or correctly use antioxidant and bioactive packaging films against lipid oxida-
tion and quality deterioration of foods, intrinsic and extrinsic factors of applicable foods
affect to packaging materials must be measured. Because foods have different chemical
and biological properties such as pH, water activity, carbon source, nitrogen source, partial
pressure of oxygen, and temperature (Han, 2000), it is necessary to investigate a film's
various material properties (heat resistance, moisture resistance, elongation, thickness, gas
permeability), mass transportation activity, migration rate, and diffusivity. Interactions be-
tween packaging films and antioxidants and elicitors and whether the interaction affects
original properties of foods will also be considered. After verifying interaction in vitro and
in vivo without film malfunction, the film can be recommended for commercialization. A
precise determination of standard activity as concentration of antioxidants or bioactivity in
foods is needed to ensure high-quality-increased phenolic phytochemicals and safe foods
in future markets. Research on new antioxidant and bioactive films can deliver safer and
healthier foods to the table in the future.
Although there is abundant research on the effects and mechanism of discovered an-
tioxidants in food systems, there is need to develop and apply new antioxidant components
to improve food quality. Phytochemicals can be one of new developing components for
film additives. Because phytochemicals have various functions such as antioxidation, anti-
cancer, and bactericidal, we can place phytochemicals extracted from plant, natural fruit,
and vegetables into packaging films to improve food safety or quality. Natural phenolic
phytochemicals can be used in films not only for their intrinsic functional properties for
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