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cells (van Engelen et al., 1991). The protein identified in this study bears homology (40-
60% similarity) to S-like glycoproteins and the S-like domain of receptor proteins kinases
from several species, including Arabidopsis . Since Arabidopsis , like carrot, does not possess
a genetic self-incompatibility system (Bi et al., 2000), the EP1-like protein may be involved
in other receptor kinase activation pathways and signal transduction. The encoded EP1-
like protein is predicted to be a part of the secretory pathway (Emanuelsson et al., 2000)
and therefore may be secreted in Arabidopsis cell cultures undergoing PCD as part of a
cell-to-cell signaling mechanism.
Swidzinski et al. (2004) identified a number of proteins that are increased in relative
abundance during PCD-induced in an Arabidopsis cell suspension culture by two indepen-
dent means. These proteins appear to be maintained in the face of general and extensive
protein degradation and therefore may be required to allow PCD to proceed. Several of these
proteins show evidence of posttranslational modifications, which may alter their properties
for a PCD-specific function. While the identified antioxidant proteins are most probably
a response to the stress of the inducing stimuli rather than being related directly to the
PCD process, plausible PCD-related roles for several of the other proteins can be hypoth-
esized. It is particularly intriguing that they identified several mitochondrial proteins since
the mitochondrion has been established to be at the heart of the PCD pathway in ani-
mals (Kroemer and Reed, 2000). These mitochondrial proteins may be involved in redox
signaling (lipoamide dehydrogenase and aconitase) that triggers PCD or in the release of
proapoptotic mitochondrial proteins into the cytosol (VDAC). They also identified an extra-
cellular glycoprotein that bears sequence similarity to receptor kinases and may therefore
be part of a signaling mechanism that transmits a “death signal” between cells. Such a
mechanism may be important in maximizing the efficiency of a localized death lesion to
minimize pathogen spread or transmission of oxidative insults. The identification of such
a receptor-based pathway of PCD would not only have direct biological significance, but
would also constitute a much needed research tool that would allow the precise induction
of PCD in the absence of a stress stimulus. Such an approach would allow a more definitive
identification of genes and proteins that play a role in plant PCD. This study demonstrates
the utility of the proteomic approach in addressing a biological system in which there is little
prior knowledge to form the basis of more hypothesis-driven studies. Proteomic analysis
identified a number of proteins that are putatively involved in plant PCD and have provided
a foundation for further functional studies to examine the precise roles and functions of
these proteins.
5.17 Conclusions and future directions
The examples of developmental PCD in the plants discussed, illustrate a diversity of datasets
but also some fundamental differences between the different cell fates and PCD mechanisms.
It can be asked, how useful is the animal model of apoptosis or autophagy in explaining
plant PCD mechanisms? In common with most animal PCD systems, a signal extrinsic to
the cell, often hormonal is usually involved. However, there is no one PGR which induces
PCD, although ethylene, GA, and brassinosteroids appear in more than one system. There
are few clear-cut examples of completely autonomous PCD, although perhaps the root cap
comes close. Another interesting issue is how cells adjacent to cells undergoing PCD protect
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