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where we have used the relationship d [ n ] =
sgn( v [ n 1]). Note that the update rate ξ does
not affect the stability of learning. The constraint
space C is restricted to transforms represented
by lower-triangular matrices with diagonal
elements set to unity that can be expressed as
W ij = 0; i < j ; W ii = 1. Thus, to satisfy the con-
straint W ∈ C , only the lower-diagonal elements
are updated in Eq. (2.21) . It can be seen from
Eq. (2.21) that if || W || B > 0 is true, then the
recursion (21) will asymptotically lead to
out of phase with respect to Δ x 1 ( t ), and the dif-
ferential signal Δ x 3 ( t ) is 180° out of phase with
respect to Δ x 1 ( t ).
To apply ΣΔ learning for bearing estimation,
three of the four differential signals in Eqs. (2.23)
are chosen as inputs, and the synaptic matrix W
is chosen to be of the form
W 11 10
W 21 W 22
W =
When applied to the three differential signals of
the microphone array modeled by Eq. (2.23) , the
ΣΔ recursions in Eq. (2.16) lead to
E n { d [ n ]sgn ( X [ n ] ) T } n →∞
−→ 0
v 1 [ n ]= v 1 [ n − 1]+ x 2 [ n ]+ W 11 [ n ] x 1 [ n ]− d 1 [ n ],
V 2 [ n ]= V 2 [ n − 1]+ x 3 [ n ]+ W 21 [ n ] x 1 [ n ],
+ W 22 x 2 [ n ]− d 2 [ n ],
for W C . Equation (2.22) shows that the pro-
posed ΣΔ learning algorithm produces binary
(spike) sequences that are mutually uncorre-
lated to a nonlinear function of the input signals.
with d 1 [ n ] = sgn( v 1 [ n ]) and d 2 [ n ] = sgn( v 2 [ n ]). The
adaptation steps for the parameters W 11 , W 21 ,
and W 22 based on Eq. (2.21) can be expressed as
2.6.1 ΣΔ Learning for Bearing
The design of the bio-inspired acoustic source
localizer based on ΣΔ learning has been pre-
sented by Gore et al . [39] . Figure 2.10 shows
the localizer constructed using an array of off-
the-shelf electret microphones interfacing with
a custom-made application-specific integrated
circuit (ASIC). Similar to the mechanical canti-
lever model in a parasitoid fly, the differential
electrical signals recorded by the microphones
can be approximated by
W 11 [ n ]= W 11 [ n − 1]−ξ d 1 [ n ]sgn( x 1 [ n ]),
W 21 [ n ]= W 21 [ n − 1]−ξ d 2 [ n ]sgn( x 1 [ n ]),
W 22 [ n ]= W 22 [ n − 1]−ξ d 2 [ n ]sgn( x 2 [ n ]).
One of the implications of ΣΔ adaptation
steps in Eq. (2.26) is that, for the bounded values
of W 11 , W 21 , and W 22 , the following asymptotic
result holds:
x 1 ( t ) =− s (1) ( t ) c cosθ
x 2 ( t ) =− s (1) ( t ) c sinθ
x 3 ( t ) =+ s (1) ( t ) c cosθ
x 4 ( t ) =+ s (1) ( t ) c sinθ
N →∞
d 1,2 [ n ]→0.
n =1
To demonstrate how Eqs. (2.25) and (2.26) can
be used for bearing estimation, consider two dif-
ferent cases based on the quality of common-
mode cancellation.
Case I: Perfect common-mode cancellation . The
differential microphone is assumed to com-
pletely suppress the common-mode signal
x cm ( t ) in Eq. (2.23) . Also, the bearing of the
source is assumed to be located in the positive
which bear similarity to the differential signals
observed for the parasitoid fly. Figure 2.10 also
shows a scope trace of the sample differential
output produced by the microphone array
when a 1 kHz tone is played from a standard
computer speaker. The scope trace clearly
shows that the differential signal Δ x 2 ( t ) is 90°
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