Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Parasitoid fly,
Ormia ochracea
It has localization ability to
the sound sources within 2
degrees azimuth [4].
Acheta domestica
Acoustic or
flow sensing
Mechanosensory system can
recognize weak, low-
frequency air current in
tens of Hz [5].
Paddle fish,
Polyodon spathula
The input stimulus is far too
weak to induce firing events,
but the added environmental
noise enhances the detection
Electric fish,
It detects small prey in the
dark at a distance of
approximately 1.2 -5.8 cm
in time course of distance
35 µs/cm [7,8].
FIGURE 2.1 Efficient sensing in organisms of sound localization, flow sensing, and electric sensing. (Images from Wiki-
pedia and Encyclopedia of Life.)
can overcome constraints imposed by noise
and environmental artifacts to achieve remark-
able performance (illustrated in Figure 2.1 ). For
example, the parasitoid fly ( Ormia ochracea ) can
localize the sound of crickets with a remarkable
accuracy of less than 2°. Even though the fly's
eardrums are spaced less than 0.5 mm apart, it
can successfully overcome the physical con-
straints due to sound propagation and resolve
localization cues of less than 50 ns [4] . Another
marvel of biology is the filiform hair in the
cricket ( Acheta domestica ) that exhibits exquisite
vibration-sensing capabilities. These mechano-
receptive sensory hairs have been shown to be
capable of sensing vibrations as low as tens of
μ m/s flow speed, even in the presence of large
ambient noise [5] . Yet another example is the
electro sensory receptors in the paddlefish ( Poly-
odon spathula ) that the fish uses to sense and
localize plankton, even in the presence of ambi-
ent aquatic turbulence [6] . A similar mechanism
is also found in the electric fish ( Apteronotus albi-
frons ) where the performance of the receptors
has been shown to supersede the state-of-the-
art manmade impedance spectroscopy systems.
Using neurobiological techniques, the organs
of the electric fish can monitor microvolt-level
voltage perturbations caused by surrounding
objects and detect small prey at distances greater
than 25 mm [7, 8] .
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