Travel Reference
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and bar, usually open only in
Turkestan - literally 'the Land
of the Turks'; covers Central Asia
and Xinjiang (China)
umuvalnik (R) - portable
washing basin
univermag (R) - universalny
magazin ; department store
uulu (Kyr) - meaning 'son of'
cal wood framework covered
with felt
zakaznik (R) - protected area
zapovednik (R) - nature reserve
zhyostky (R) - hard carriage
on trains
zikr (A) - recitation or contem-
plation of the names of God;
recitation of sacred writings; one
part of traditional Sufi practice
UAZ (R) - Russian 4WD
ulak-tartysh (Kyr) - see
ulama (A) - class of religious
scholars or intellectuals
ulitsa (R) - street
viloyat (U) - province
vodopad (R) - waterfall
vokzal (R) - train station
ylagoyyny(Karakalpak) - see
yurt - traditional nomadic
'house', a collapsible cylindri-
abrikos - apricot
agurets - cucumber
amlet - omelette
antrecot - steak
arbuz - watermelon
ayran - salty yoghurt/water
gulyash - a dismal miscel-
lany of meat, vegetables and
makarony - macaroni, pasta
masla - butter
mastoba - rice soup
mimosasalat - fish and
shredded-potato salad
mineralnayavada - mineral
morkovisalat - carrot salad
myod/assal - honey
jiger - liver
kafe - coffee
kafesslivkami - coffee with
kaimak - sweet cream
kapustysalat - cabbage salad
kartofelfri - French fries, chips
kartofelpure - mashed potato
kartoshka - potato
kasha - porridge
katyk - thin, drinkable yoghurt
kazy - horse-meat sausage
khleb - bread
kolbasa - sausage
kompot - juice
kotletapo-Kievski - chicken
kumys - fermented mare's milk
(also kymys )
kuritsa - chicken
kurygril - roast chicken
kuurdak - fatty stew of meat,
offal and potato
barene - jam
befstroganov - beef stroganoff
beshbarmak - flat noodles with
lamb, horsemeat or vegetable
broth (served separately)
bifshteks - 'beefsteak', glorified
bitochki - cutlet
bliny - Russian-style pancake
borshch - beetroot and potato
soup, often with sour cream
bozo - beverage made from
fermented millet
nan - flat bread
okroshka - cold or hot soup
made from sour cream, pota-
toes, eggs and meat
olivye salat - potato, ham,
peas and mayonnaise
pelmeni - small dumplings
in soup
persik - peach
piva - beer
plov - a rice dish with meat,
carrots or other additions
(traditionally prepared by men
for special celebrations), also
known as pilau
pomidor - tomato
ragu - beef stew
rassolniksmyasam - soup of
marinated cucumber and kidney
ris - rice
chay - tea
chuisky salat - spicy carrot
salad in vinaigrette
chuchvara - dumplings
farel - trout
Frantsuzkysalat - beetroot,
carrots and French fries
frikadela - fried meatballs
laghman - noodles
lyulyakebab - beef or mutton
galuptsi - cabbage rolls stuffed
with rice and meat
gavyadina - beef
grechka - boiled buckwheat
gribi - mushrooms
sakhar - sugar
salatizsvezheikapusty - raw
cabbage salad
salattourist - sliced tomatoes
and cucumbers
samsa - samosa
manpar - noodle bits, meat,
vegetables and mild seasoning
in broth
manty - small stuffed dump-
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