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The entire site is a portfolio project, as well as a site to hold the company's
portfolio. It demonstrates all aspects of CloudRaker's talents. The onsite text is com-
pelling. The interface is fun to navigate, and the illus-
trated animation is engaging. Instead of a routine fast
clickthrough, you tend to hang around. As a result, a
visit to the CloudRaker site is a guilty pleasure that
can easily fill up a lunch hour.
But the work is always the most important part
of a presentation, and CloudRaker's portfolio section
emphasizes creative solutions, variety, and technical
mastery. Select a client project from the menu and the
foldout display screen held by the Sherpa plays a video walkthrough of each site. The
video is designed to show you highlights from the client site's navigation and deci-
sions, not just static screen snaps. You might think that would obviate the need to
see the site itself. However, one idle check on a client site shows you that the inven-
tiveness that characterizes CloudRaker's site is put to good use for their clients as
well. Although every client's web presence is unique in both branding and structure,
The goal of CloudRaker's portfolio
was to show our work in motion; to
make it a part of the site experi-
ence. Looking at multiple screen-
shots of a website is like looking at
a piece of print advertising.
—Thane Calder
The site uses sound as
well as it does sight. In this
scene, the Sherpa intones
each client service in an
invented language, making
the experience feel a bit
like watching a movie
with subtitles.
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