Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 0
C h a p t e r 5
Your Work
Intro copy
G ood portfolios are not created the night before
you present them. You need to look at your entire
body of work to evaluate its condition and current
relevance. And that's hard to do when it's scattered
on multiple discs, file folders, and flat files.
Let's face it: organizing isn't sexy. Creatives
aren't supposed to be organized…it's part of our
mystique. But wouldn't you rather be a little less
exotic and a little more rested? When developing a
portfolio, being organizationally challenged will set
you up for extra work every time you need to redo
or revise. If revising is a chore, you'll wait until the
eleventh hour to do it. Unpaid work on a personal
deadline is just about the worst creative nightmare.
Inevitably, you'll cut corners, make mistakes, and
miss important details.
It's better to approach your working process with
the idea of making your work “portfolio ready.”
Take the time to organize as you go—it's only hard
at the beginning. Once you get used to the process,
organizing your work becomes second nature.
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