Graphics Reference
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Designer Luke Williams' thesis project was a
photographic essay. Although he posts a sampling in
the photo section of his portfolio, he uses the division
concept to display the images in a more appropriate
venue, directing interested viewers to his Flickr site.
posted on a blog. Other times, you feel the work needs a narrator. It might work as
part of a traditional portfolio, or even better as part of a laptop presentation you pre-
pare for people who have seen and liked your website.
Dispersing is a variation on dividing. You create a core group of work that
exists as a coherent prime portfolio. A couple of the best individual pieces, or a sub-
set reel, can be posted on one of the self-publishing sites to build traffic.
Then you look at the pieces that you didn't include in this collection. After
eliminating the ones that are really not your best efforts, you'll probably find addi-
tional pieces from a series of projects, project work, concept sketches for ideas that
are still in germination, or secondary artwork (illustrations, photos, 3D art) that you
are proud of but that are not your primary focus. These pieces, by themselves or
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