Agriculture Reference
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environmental stresses and hence finding ways to
improve stress tolerance is a most important task for
plant biologists. Numerous research results have shown
the benefits of using exogenous phytoprotectants in
mitigating stress-induced damage in legumes. However,
due to the multigenic nature of abiotic stress tolerance
the task of developing stress-tolerant varieties is chal-
lenging. Coordinated approaches involving traditional
plant breeding, along with molecular approaches, should
be followed to identify and cultivate stress-tolerant vari-
eties. However, effective enrichment of legumes with
phytoprotectants via soil or foliar sprays may play a
protective role in stress mitigation. However, it may be
challenging due to their high cost and difficulties in
application. Notably, findings from experimental field
research studies are still inadequate. Field studies that
confirm the ability of exogenous applications of phyto-
protectants to mitigate abiotic stress will point to
potential options for their extended practical application
for increasing the productivity of legume crops.
growth, biomass accumulation and yield characteristics of
two cultivars of Vigna radiata L. J Environ Biol 27, 55-60.
Ahmed S (2009) Effect of soil salinity on the yield and yield
components of mungbean. Pak J Bot 41: 263-268.
Ajiboso SO, Adenuga GA (2012) The influence of zinc and
selenium on some biochemical responses of Vigna unguiculata
and Zea mays to water deficit condition and rehydration.
Biokemistri 24: 108-115.
Alam I, Lee DG, Kim KH, et  al . (2010) Proteome analysis of
soybean roots under waterlogging stress at an early vegeta-
tive stage. J Biosci 35: 49-62.
Alam MM, Hasanuzzaman M, Nahar K, Fujita M (2013)
Exogenous salicylic acid ameliorates short-term drought
stress in mustard ( Brassica juncea L.) seedlings by upregulating
the antioxidant defense and glyoxalase system. Aust J Crop Sci
7: 1053-1063.
Alam MM, Nahar K, Hasanuzzaman M, Fujita M (2014a)
Exogenous jasmonic acid modulates the physiology, antioxi-
dant defense and glyoxalase system in imparting drought
stress tolerance in different Brassica species. Plant Biotechnol
Rep 8: 279-293.
Alam MM, Nahar K, Hasanuzzaman M, Fujita M (2014b)
Exogenous ascorbic acid-induced alleviation of osmotic stress
in three Brassica species through enhancement of growth
and physiological parameters, antioxidant defense and gly-
oxalase system. Biol Plant (in press).
Alami-Milani M, Amini R, Mohammadinasab AD, Shafaghkal
vanegh J, Asgharzade A, Emaratpardaz J (2013) Yield and
yield components of lentil ( Lens culinaris Medick.) affected by
drought stress and mulch. Intl J Agri Crop Sci 5: 1228-1231.
Ali B, Rani I, Hayat S, Ahmad A (2007) Effect of 4-Cl-indole
acetic acid on seed germination of Cicer arietinum exposed to
cadmium. Acta Bot Croat 66: 57-65.
Ali B, Hasan SA, Hayat S, et al . (2008) A role for brassinosteroids
in the amelioration of aluminium stress through antioxidant
system in mung bean ( Vigna radiata L. Wilczek). Environ Exp
Bot 62: 153-159.
Ali HM, Siddiqui MH, Al-Whaibi MH, Basalah MO, Sakran AM,
El-Zaidy M (2013) Effect of proline and abscisic acid on the
growth and physiological performance of faba bean under
water stress. Pak J Bot 45: 933-940.
Almohisen IAA, Alyemeni MN (2013) Effect of ozone on the
quality of two legume crops ( Vicia faba and Pisum sativum )
around Riyadh city. Life Sci J 10: 2297-2302.
Alsokari SS (2011) Synergistic effect of kinetin and spermine
on some physiological aspects of seawater stressed Vigna
sinensis plants. Saudi J Biol Sci 18: 37-44.
Anjum NA, Umar S, Iqbal M, Khan NA (2011) Cadmium causes
oxidative stress in mung bean by affecting the antioxidant
enzyme system and ascorbate-glutathione cycle metabolism.
Russ J Plant Physiol 58: 92-99.
Anjum NA, Ahmad I, Mohmood I, et al . (2012a) Modulation of
glutathione and its related enzymes in plants' responses to toxic
metals and metalloids - a review. Environ Exp Bot 75: 307-324.
11.6 acknowledgements
We wish to thank Mr Anisur Rahman, Laboratory of
Plant Stress Responses, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa
University, Japan, for providing several supporting arti-
cles and suggestions for improving the manuscript. We
are also very grateful to Mr Hasanuzzaman and Jubayer-
Al-Mahmud, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Bangla
Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh, for
their critical reading of the manuscript draft.
Abdel CG, Al-Rawi IMT (2011) Response of mungbean ( Vigna
radiata L., Wilczek) to gibberellic acid (GA 3 ) rates and varying
irrigation frequencies. Int J Biosci 1: 85-92.
Abdo FA, Nassar DMA, Gomaa EF, Nassar RMA (2012) Minimizing
the harmful effects of cadmium on vegetative growth, leaf
anatomy, yield and physiological characteristics of soybean
plant [ Glycine max (L.) Merrill] by foliar spray with active yeast
extract or with garlic cloves extract. Res J Agric Biol Sci 8: 24-35.
Agrawal SB, Mishra S (2009) Effects of supplemental ultravio-
let-B and cadmium on growth, antioxidants and yield of
Pisum sativum L. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 72: 610-618.
Agrawal SB, Rathore D, Singh A (2006) Combined effects of
enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation and mineral nutrients on
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