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7.5 Conclusion and future prospects
With introduction of new chemical formulations exten-
sive use of pesticides has increased the risks of toxicity.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) caused by pesticides
induce oxidative stress and oxidative tissue damage.
This oxidative damage is a multistep process involving
disturbances in the balance between the levels of oxi-
dants/pro-oxidants and antioxidants, leading to tissue
damage resulting in greater disease susceptibilities and
finally to death. The mechanism(s) of pesticide-induced
oxidative stress is still not wholly understood. Moreover,
several other factors are considered to be linked with
pesticide-induced oxidative stress in living systems and
hence are central to the assessment of safety or toxicity
of the pesticide concerned. Hence efforts should be
made to comprehend pesticide-induced ROS in terms of
monitoring alterations in the biochemical and molec-
ular composition of different plant organs by exposing
them to varying acute and sub-acute doses of pesticides.
Furthermore, it is now imperative to explore plant bio-
molecules that could alleviate the adverse effects of
ROS, including free radicals, produced by pesticide
exposure. The potential of antioxidants is emphasized
through application of various antioxidants that amelio-
rate the negative effects induced by oxidative damage.
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