Agriculture Reference
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the progeny of a single population in chickpea (Cobos et
al., 2007) and will be useful in enhancing tolerance to
temperature extremes. Another potential approach is
genomic selection (Nayak et al., 2010), where training
populations that are representative of the wider gene pool
are assembled, genotyped and phenotyped and all the
estimated gene effects used to assemble new chickpea cul-
tivars. However, these breeding-by-design approaches are
completely dependent upon the accuracy of the pheno-
typing data used in estimating the gene effects. The
screening methods outlined in this chapter offer scope for
rapid and accurate phenotyping for chickpea temperature
stress tolerance and when integrated in a molecular
breeding scheme, should provide the temperature-toler-
ant chickpea cultivars required for an increasingly hostile
production environment.
Cobos MJ, Rubio J, Fernandez-Romero MD, et al . (2007)
Genetic analysis of seed size, yield and days to flowering in a
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Croser JS, Clarke HJ, Siddique KHM, Khan TN (2003) Low-
temperature stress: Implications for chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.)
improvement. Crit Rev Plant Sci 22: 185-219.
Devasirvatham V (2012) The basis of chickpea heat tolerance
under semi-arid environments. PhD thesis, The University of
Sydney, NSW, Australia.
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(2012a) High temperature tolerance in chickpea and its
implications for plant improvement. Crop Pasture Sci 63:
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Tan DKY (2012b) Effect of high temperature on the reproduc-
tive development of chickpea genotypes under controlled
environments. Funct Plant Bio 39: 1009-1018.
Devasirvatham V, Gaur PM, Mallikarjuna N, Raju TN,
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Gaur PM, Gowda CLL, Knights EJ, et al . (2007) Breeding
achievements. In: Yadav SS, Redden RJ, Chen W, Sharma B
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Gaur PM, Jukanthi AK, Varshney RK (2012) Impact of
genomic technologies on chickpea breeding strategies. Agron
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Gaur PM, Chaturvedi SK, Kumar S, et al . (2013) High tempera-
ture tolerance in food legumes to mitigate impact of climate
change. In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Crop
Improvement and Adaptive Strategies to Meet Challenges of Climate
Change , 22-24 February 2013, University of Agricultural
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Gaur PM, Jukanti AK, Srinivasan S, et al . (2014) Climate change
and heat stress tolerance in chickpea. In: Tuteja N, Gill SS
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Heidarvand L, Amri RM, Naghavi MR, Farayedi Y, Sadeghzadeh
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characteristics of chickpea accessions under low temperature.
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Crop Pasture Sci 55: 1071-1084.
Berger JD, Milroy SP, Turner NC, Siddique KHM, Imtiaz M,
Malhotra R (2011) Chickpea evolution has selected for con-
trasting phenological mechanisms among different habitats.
Euphytica 180: 1-15.
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for cold tolerance in chickpea. Trends Biosci 2: 1-6.
Chickpea Technical Report (2011) Improving heat tolerance in
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conditions and mitigating impacts of climate change.
ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, pp. 1-46
Clarke HJ (2001) Improving tolerance to low temperature in
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the Sustainable Production of Healthy Food, Feed and Novel
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Field Crops Res 90: 320-334.
Clarke HJ, Khan TN, Siddique KHM (2004) Pollen selection for
chilling tolerance at hybridization leads to improved chickpea
cultivars. Euphytica 139: 65-74.
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