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can be used in medicine or overall statistics of companies. This ensures that
the information cannot be abused for purposes that it wasn't intended for. So
ensuring the privacy of individuals and organizations will be important.
In our work at Planet OS, I see just how little is being done about the environ-
ment. So having access to environmental data through all the sensors that are
out there in an integrated form will mean a great deal to mankind for under-
standing the impact we have on the planet. Right now, IPCC [Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change] reports come out at such a slow pace that it's just
unacceptable compared to the rate of change we see are actually seeing and
the volatilities that we see in the environment. Having great means for insight
into that data and what is actually happening will be very valuable.
Another interesting area is being able to look at cities as you would look at
an organism. In particular, city resource mining so that there is less waste is
highly relevant and important as the world's population continues to get more
concentrated into cities. I think we all want to live in an environment that is
worth living. As part of that, keeping track of the garbage flows and the mate-
rial flows into and out of cities so that there is recycling and reuse holds great
Overall, using data to look at the impact we have on our surroundings and
looking very closely at this feedback loop is relevant in many fields. I hope that
data scientists collectively build a better future together with engineers, busi-
nesspeople, researchers, and artists. I hope that all these different data sets get
developed to enable us to have a better future.
Also interesting are things like music generation algorithms. As these become
more advanced, we will be amazed by the emotions that music generated by
computers will evoke in us. Also intriguing to me are ways that people will be
able to navigate the knowledge graph faster. Whether it's ways to read topics
faster or ways to guide us through the wealth of knowledge in a way that we
are not distracted and overwhelmed, but rather enjoy the rate of change and
fluid flow, I think will be a great thing. Toward this end, knowledge manage-
ment, text analysis, and image and video analysis management will mean a lot
for education.
Gutierrez: What is something you know that few people know but that you
think everyone will know about 5 to 10 years?
Karpištšenko: For that I have to reflect back on my involvement in software
in the very early days. These days everyone is creating and writing software.
I think in 10 years everyone will be creating models and using them. There is
no single truth. Everyone is right, depending on the situation and context. So I
hope that everyone keeps an open mind regardless of what the models tell us
and that we don't disconnect from our values as we make decisions—that we
don't just let the whole system evolve toward a state where being a human
is second. I'm talking as a transhumanist: I believe some people will have the
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