Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Herold, D. M. (2012). Peak oil . Norderstedt: Herstellung und Verlag.
Holmgren, D. (2002). Permaculture: Principles and practices beyond sustainability . Hepburn:
Holmgren Design Services.
Holmgren, D. (2009). Future scenarios: How humans can adapt to peak oil and climate change .
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Hopkins, R. (2008). The transition handbook: From oil dependency to local resilience . Dartington:
Green Books.
Howard, E. (1898). Tomorrow: A peaceful path for reform . London. Reprint (1965) as: Garden
cities of tomorrow . London: Faber and Faber.
McWilliams, J. E. (2009). Just food: Where locavores get it wrong and how we can truly eat re-
sponsibly . New York: Little Brown.
Potts, R., Simms, A., & Kjell, P. (2005). Clone town, Britain . London: New Economics Founda-
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April 2012.
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Saunders, C., Barber, A., & Taylor, G. (2006). Food miles: Comparative energy and environmental
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No. 285. New Zealand: Lincoln University.
s13389.pdf. Accessed 15 Oct 2013.
SM: Slow Money. . Accessed 10 April 2013.
SPC: Street Plans Collaborative. . Accessed 24 August 2014.
Tasch, W. (2010). Inquiries into the nature of slow money . White River: Chelsea Green Publishing.
TNP: Transition Network Primer. (2006).
Accessed 12 April 2012.
TNTI: Transition Towns International.
nInitiative. Accessed 12 April 2012.
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