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a little but the conversation soon died and they returned to their animated conversation. I
wished that I could have at least understood them.
After lunch, I said adios to my amigos and made my way to Zaragoza. When I ar-
rived, I decided not to stay in Zaragoza but to spend the afternoon running some errands. I
went to the post office and visited the Cathedral. I then started to make my way out of the
city in the heat (almost 40ÂșC). The roads were very quiet and for good reason- it is hard
to do anything in such heat and that is why people in such climates take a siesta. I, on the
other hand, didn't take one and soon felt incredibly lethargic. However, I still pressed on
and had to constantly remind myself not to over-exert myself and to stay hydrated. My at-
contrasting hues of brown and vast pockets of dark green vegetation.
I was pondering whether or not I should free camp along the highway somewhere.
At around 7:00 in the evening, I came under a bridge and had a strange feeling that this
was the place to sleep. Since I was 1 kilometre north of La Alumnia I decided to head into
town, buy some provisions and then return to my 'villa' under the bridge. As I entered the
Church founded by Don Bosco who worked with the troubled youth in Italy back in the
1800s. (My parish back home, St. Benedict, was a Salesian parish.)
The Salesian College seemed deserted and I assumed correctly that the students
were on summer vacation. I knocked on the door anyway and waited for someone to an-
swer. Out came a man in his early 30s who spoke to me in French. I showed him my letter
of introduction from Father Charles Cini of Rome. He went inside to make a few phone
calls and then came back and opened the heavy doors. He invited me to spend the night
in the college's dormitory. Since there were no students, I was able sleep anywhere. After
taking a shower and eating some bread and cheese in my room, I was ready to go to sleep
when a knock came at the door. The man, Father Jose, invited me to dinner and met the
other priests in residence. I played the piano after dinner and taught Fr. Jose a piano duet
I used to play with my little sister. Afterward we watched some TV and then off to bed I
went. What a wonderful turn of events! I expected to sleep under a bridge that night and
instead was touched by the love of the Salesian community. Needless to say, I slept like a
The next morning I awoke and went to mass at 8:30. There were quite a few local
people at the service. During the homily, Father talked about me. I clued in with the words
'Canada' and 'el experienca'. At the end of mass, three ladies presented me with 15,000
Bank in Cornwall. Father Jose then invited me for breakfast. At around 10:00, I was ready
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