Travel Reference
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For the first time I had a tail wind which made cycling very easy and quick. I arrived on
the outskirts of Tours and settled into a cheap hotel.
I began cycling early the next morning toward Amboise. I was on a spiritual high. I
sangreligious songsandwouldbegintochokeupbecause Iwashearing them withadeep-
and joy could not be marred. Ipassed through the villages ofBlere, Loches, Descartes, and
Chalillerault very quickly due to the relatively flat terrain and a blessed tail wind.
Unfortunately I began to have mechanical issues with my bike- the most pressing
being my chain. Every time I pedalled it creaked and I knew that the time to replace it was
soon. Since I didn't carry a spare chain I started to look for a cycle shop en route. As I
arrived in Poitiers, I had an added problem. I was searching for a youth hostel when, as
I climbed a hill, two rear spokes broke, one on each side of the rim. Since I had a lot of
weight on the back, my fear of a buckled wheel was growing.
I couldn't find the youth hostel so I left the city. On my way to Angouleme I came
across the youth hostel. I met the warden and asked if there was a room available. He
quickly said he was fully booked with three school groups. He wouldn't even look at me
when I asked if I could at least sleep on the floor and pay the same rate. I returned to
the road conscientious that it was growing dark rather quickly. True, I broke my Personal
the countryside.
As I arrived at the entrance to the A10, there was a blockade of trucks, tractors
and hazardous projectiles on the road to puncture any unwelcomed tires. I cycled up to the
blockade and asked what was happening. Aside from the grievances I already knew, the
drivers told me about another issue with the Minister of Transport: he wanted to reduce the
points permitted on truck drivers' licenses before the licenses were revoked.
I didn't want to rustle any feathers at the blockade so I asked for directions to an
alternate route. They said to me there was no need, and they moved part of the blockade
to allow me to cycle through. With three drivers clapping, I continued along the deserted
A10…all to myself!!! I stayed off the shoulder and changed lanes for fun. It was eerie to
be alone on such a large road. The police did stop me at an intersection and told me to get
a light for the bike because it was dangerous. I said I had one and from that point onward I
held onto my Maglight as I cycled.
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