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was so reprehensible on many levels especially since this congregation was so welcoming
to all ethnicities.
When I arrived at the church, I left my bike outside and entered through an open
door. I immediately came upon the aftermath of chaos: several pews at the front were
askew, the carpet was stained with blood and bullet holes were noticeable in the church's
alone trying to understand what would compel someone to plan and carry out such a hein-
ous act. I prayed for all the victims and their families and for the country not to be deterred
from the evil that was trying to derail its political course.
I left the church in a sombre mood and cycled to the Kirstenbosh Botanical Gar-
dens. I stayed with Michele and her husband Philip La Roux. Michele's mother who I met
earlier offered that I could stay with them when I arrived in Cape Town. They where sur-
prised when I knocked on their door for the mother didn't give them a heads up. Despite
my sudden arrival, Michele and Philip were very welcoming and I stayed with them for
almost a week.
During this time, the days flew by and some events took place that shaped my final
six weeks in the city. First and foremost, I received a phone call from Jaco in Riversdale
which really put the remainder of my stay in South Africa into perspective and set the tone
in his life. For the first time in nine years, he managed to eat on his own. I was silent for a
few seconds for his message to sink in. It was at that moment when it really hit me on how
message put it into perspective. I thanked him for sharing such wonderful news with me.
In all my presentations during my stay in Cape Town, I mentioned Jaco's story to illustrate
the invaluable life lesson Jaco taught me.
OnmyfirstSundaymorning,IwenttochurchonPriceDriveinConstantia whereI
met Father David who introduced me to the congregation. After mass, he invited me to the
rectory for some tea where I met the Gibbs. They invited me for lunch (which I couldn't
turn down) and then went for dinner at the Durants (again, I couldn't turn it down.) I went
to Bishops School's chapel in Rondebosch for Sunday evening service with the family and
morning chapel service.
In the morning, I woke up early and thanked Michelle and Philip for allowing me
into their home for the past week. I cycled first to the Durant's home where Nicholas, their
son escorted me by bicycle to Bishops School. There, I met Martin in the foyer and he
led me to the chapel. After I presented to the preparatory students, I was directed to visit
the classrooms to answer any questions. I was invited for some tea with the staff and then
cycled to my new home in Meadowridge.
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