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Ididn'trealize itatthetime, butIwasexperiencing heat stroke.Lookingback,thegreatest
signofmydeteriorating condition wasmyextreme impatience. Forexample, whenIasked
the locals for distances, I wanted a split-second answer or else I became rude and almost
shouted at them to answer me.
Another sign was my impaired judgement. I began to take chances with my safety
as I rode. I would cycle along the narrow elevated ridges between the numerous puddles. I
doing was a recipe for disaster. Guess what? I lost my balance on one of these ridges and
fell. My bike fell on dry land however my left shoulder and head slammed into a puddle
lish) at the puddle to the point where my throat burned. After I regained my composure, I
resumed my cycling as if nothing happen and thanking God that no one walked by when I
had the episode.
Shortly after, I met a German U.N. worker who stopped his vehicle to ask me if
I had any problems cycling in the heat. I reported truthfully that at that precise moment I
didn't (I didn't mention my episode 30 minutes earlier.)
As I crested a hill, I became overjoyed for before me lay the village of Mapangu. I
wastoldthattheCatholic missionwas5kilometres enroutetoIlebo.Soafterbuyingsome
doughnuts, I cycled through the village on a relatively easy road and made my way to the
mission. A cause for concern however, was my lower back. There was a dull pain which I
attributed to when I fell earlier in the day.
I was welcomed to the parish by Father Atitung and was quickly given a room.
After a quick snack I began to unpack my bicycle. As I began to transfer the panniers into
the room, I immediately started to shiver uncontrollably and felt an intense heat radiating
my sleeping bag and slept for 3 hours. I didn't even bother to wash. I kept shivering and
then felt the heat escaping from my eyes. I drank some water and then returned to bed.
of my sleeping bag which was completely drenched in perspiration and dressed. However,
I did feel much better. I entered the dining area and sat with the staff. After a hot meal and
great conversation, I went back to bed and slept soundly.
In the morning, I was told to adjust my clock for I entered a new time zone. I went
of the church. After mass and a simple breakfast of rice and sweet tea, I thanked the com-
munity and said good-bye.
So, I promised myself that if I noticed I was getting pissed off at anything mundane, I
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