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seeds (shell and all). I went to bed praying that it wouldn't rain over night to make the next
morning's decent easier.
My prayers were answered in that it was a dry night. In the morning, after eating
my left over dinner, I said thank-you, and gave the family a pin. The road had dried out
which made the descent a non-issue and the next seven kilometres to the river were excel-
treetrunk)andcrossedtheriverfor4million zaïres. Ilaidthebikeinthecentre asthepilot
safely took me across the river kind of like Venetian oarsman in a gondola but cheaper.
to cycle at a relatively good pace. The area was quite hilly and at times I was completely
surrounded by vegetation. I got a couple of scratches from the low overhanging branches
and the mosquitoes immediately came out to welcome me. The road had long stretches of
batteries, as the temperature increased, the kilometres I covered decreased.
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