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the poor areas of the town. There were hundreds of participants and we were all dancing
and singing. The procession returned to the church where we celebrated another mass. The
music, the dancing and the energy were unbelievable and became my lasting memory of
The afternoon was spent in the chapel in silence where I read an inspirational book
on Mother Theresa. After dinner with Father Alphonsus, I went to bed early for the next
day I was to arrive in Cameroon.
Father Alphonsus woke me up to attend the 6:00 a.m. mass. After the service, I re-
turned to my room to pack the bike and join him forbreakfast. Father Alphonsus then gave
meablessing andIgave himandhisattendants each aCanadian pin.By7:30,Iwasonthe
road and by 8:45, I arrived at the border.
I must say that this final stretch of Nigerian road to the border was an incredible
send off for the views and quality of the road were fantastic. I arrived at the Nigerian
immigration post and passed through rather quickly. By 9:10 a.m., I arrived into Central
Africa and was about to venture into my tenth country: the Republic of Cameroon.
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