Travel Reference
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A Message to the Reader
the border crossings, internal refugees, the scourge of AIDS (from orphans to emptied vil-
lages), young children with bloated bellies due to poor nutrition and immense poverty, and
so on. For the sake of brevity however, this topic will mention these issues as they arose but
will not dwell on them. Suffice it to say that it was painful for me to witness especially in a
continent so rich in natural and human resources.
To any future traveler in Africa, I must state that Africa can offer a kaleidoscope of
experiences. I cried tears of joy, pain and sorrow. Africa is a beautiful and diverse continent
with both good and evil elements, like anywhere in the world really. My experiences noted
in this topic were in a specific place and time. If this exact route and timetable was started a
day later, completely different experiences could have unfolded. My message is simple: be
cautious but not overly cautious where you destroy possible friendships and positive exper-
Also, Africa has its own pace. If you don't get out of your western way of seeing
things ( e.g. timetables), youwill cause unneeded stress andtension. The slowpace ofAfric-
an red tape may come to a complete stop. You thus need patience and humility.
and securing them. You will see later on what I mean. Put your nose to the grindstone, and
believe in yourself and in what you are doing. Most importantly, use those sceptics that sur-
round you to fuel your determination. I highly commend whatever you choose to do, for the
bottom line is that you are getting involved in making this world a better place. You are in
that we all share.
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