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A Survey on Identication of Protein
Complexes in Protein - protein Interaction
Data: Methods and Evaluation
Praveen Tumuluru, Bhramaramba Ravi and Sujatha Ch
Abstract Since identi
protein interac-
tion (PPI) networks plays an important role in the computational biology, in this
paper, we discuss different types of protein complex identi
cation of protein complexes from protein
cation algorithms such
as Markov Clustering algorithm, ClusterBFS, Connected Af
nity Clique Extension,
PE-weighted Clustering algorithm, Detection of Protein Complex Core and
Attachment Algorithm and Dynamic Protein Complex Algorithm. Thereafter, we
focus on computational analysis of protein complexes through various measures
and various protein interaction databases, with which we can detect protein com-
plexes effectively and ef
Keywords Protein
protein interaction network
Protein complex
1 Introduction
A protein complex is a group of associated polypeptide chains linked by non-
covalent protein
protein interactions (PPIs). PPI networks play an important role in
the biological processes including cell cycle control, discrimination, protein fold-
ing, signal transduction, transcription, and translation [ 1 ].
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