Biomedical Engineering Reference
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In Fig. 2 , the mortality of diabetes rate based on worldwide statistics is divided,
of which the male and female affected percentage is also shown. To plan and
implement a massive health engineering strategy in the country, the foremost tasks
are identi
cation of the exact reasons for the deadly disease as per the regional and
sentimental approaches. Different people with diversi
ed social behavior makes the
detectability of the exposure reasoning in this domain of diabetes modeling dif
The solution will be correct and implementable once multiple confounders are
ed across the entities.
5 Diversi
ed Insulin Association Beta-Behavior
In the reasoning phase, it is necessary to understand the relationship between
various entities of different DOI. In the object oriented style of modeling, the static
structure of the various entities can be shown with a class diagram where the
different instance of the structure can be connected. The class diagram is repre-
senting the direct and indirect aggregation of various classes into a main class. Any
instance of one stack or pile of class may be connected to any other instance of
different class as shown in Fig. 3 . The overall class diagram representation is a
multiple connections between the attributes from the three subclasses to the parent
Fig. 3 Class diagram of diversied association
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