Java Reference
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Here, <classes> can be a pathname to a .class file, a directory, a JAR file, or a fully qualified class name.
Table C-3 lists all the options for the jdeps tool.
Table C-3. List of Options for the jdeps Tool
-dotoutput <dir>
Specifies the destination directory for DOT file output.
Prints dependency summary only.
Prints all class level dependencies.
Prints package-level dependencies excluding dependencies within the same archive.
Prints class-level dependencies excluding dependencies within the same archive.
-cp <path>
-classpath <path>
Specifies the locations where class files are searched.
-p <pkgname>
-package <pkgname>
Finds dependences in the specified package. This option may be specified multiple times.
This option and -e option are mutually exclusive.
-e <regex>
-regex <regex>
Finds dependences in packages matching the specified pattern. This option and -p option
are mutually exclusive.
-include <regex>
Restricts analysis to classes matching the specified pattern. It is used to filter the list of
classes to be analyzed. It can be used together with -p and -e options, which apply pattern
to the dependences.
Shows profile or the file containing a package.
Restricts analysis to APIs only that includes dependences from the signature of public
and protected members of public classes including field type, method parameter types,
returned type, checked exception types, etc.
Recursively traverses all dependencies.
Finds class-level dependences on JDK internal APIs. By default, it analyzes all classes on
-cp and input files unless -include option is specified. It cannot be used with -p , -e , and
-s options.
Prints the version information.
Prints a help message for the jdeps tool listing all options with a brief description.
The following command prints the dependencies for the SwingTest class:
jdeps SwingTest.class
SwingTest.class -> C:\java8\jre\lib\rt.jar
com.jdojo.profiles (SwingTest.class)
-> java.lang
-> javax.swing
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