Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The following command will generate documentation for only source file:
C:\projects>javadoc -d docs src/com/jdojo/utility/
The following command is entered on one line even though it is shown on two lines. It will generate
documentation for all source code under the com.jdojo package and its subpackages. It will include the overview
comments from C:\projects\src\overview.html file. It will place the output in the C:\projects\docs directory.
C:\projects>javadoc -d docs -overview src\overview.html -sourcepath src -subpackages com.jdojo
By default, the javadoc tool does not generate documentation for the @author and @version tags. You need
to use the -author and -version options to include the text for @author and @version tags in the generated
documentation, respectively.
The following command will generate documentation for com.jdojo.utility package. The documentation will
include text for @author and @version tags.
C:\projects>javadoc -d docs -author -version -sourcepath src com.jdojo.utility
You can use one or more argument files to store all the arguments to the javadoc tool. Note that -J options
and wildcards ( * ) are not supported in argument files. You must use the command line to enter these two types of
arguments. Suppose the following is the contents of a file named args.txt , which is placed in C:\projects directory:
-d docs
-sourcepath src
-subpackages com.jdojo
You can run the javadoc tool that will use arguments from the args.txt file, as shown below. All relative paths in
the argument file are resolved with respect to the current directory.
C:\projects>javadoc @args.txt
You can split the arguments for the javadoc in multiple files. You can pass multiple argument files to the javadoc
tool by separating them by a space, as shown below. Options can be distributed among multiple argument files in any
order. You can use a relative path (e.g., args.txt ) or its absolute path (e.g., C:\projects\args.txt ) of the argument
file to the javadoc tool.
C:\projects>javadoc @args1.txt @args2.txt @args3.txt
Generated Documentation Files
The javadoc tool generates many HTML files. All generated files can be classified into three categories:
Files for classes, interfaces, enums, annotations, packages, and overviews
Files to cross-reference some pieces of information from one HTML page to another, such as
an index page, a class hierarchy page for each package, a Use page for each package, etc.
Support files
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