Java Reference
In-Depth Information
A String object is created using the new operator. However, strings are used so often that there is a shortcut to
create a string object. All string literals, a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes, are treated as String
objects. Therefore, instead of using the new operator to create a String object, you can use string literals like so:
// Assigns the reference of a String object with text "Hello" to str1
String str1 = "Hello";
// Assigns the reference of a String object with text "Hello" to str1
String str1 = new String ("Hello");
there is a subtle difference between the above two statements, which assign a String object to str1 with the
same text "Hello" . I will discuss the difference when I cover the String class in detail Chapter 11.
Primitive Data Types in Java
Java has eight primitive data types. They are byte , short , int , long , char , float , double , and boolean . They are divided
into two categories: boolean data type and numeric data type. The numeric data type can be further subdivided into
integral and floating-point types. All primitive data types and their categories are shown in Figure 3-4 .
Figure 3-4. List of primitive data types in Java
Integral Data Types
An integral data type is a numeric data type whose values are integers. Java offers five integral data types: byte , short ,
int , long , and char . All integral data types are described in detail in the sections to follow.
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