Java Reference
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else {
This time, the compiler will refuse to compile the above code. Let's apply the logic and try to figure out what is
wrong with the code. The compiler will generate an error about the jim instanceof Munificent expression. It is
saying that it knows for sure that there is no possibility at runtime that the variable jim can refer to an object whose
class implements the Munificent interface. How can the compiler be so sure about this possibility? It is easy. You have
declared the StingyGiver class as final , which means it cannot be subclassed. This implies that the variable jim
whose compile-time type is StingyGiver can only refer to an object whose class is StingyGiver . The compiler also
knows that the StingyGiver class and none of its ancestor classes implement the Munificent interface. With all these
reasoning, the compiler determines that you have a logical error in your program and you need to fix it.
If the instanceof operator returns true at runtime, it means that its left-hand operand can be safely cast to
the type represented by its right-hand operand. Typically, your logic will be as follows when you need to use the
instanceof operator:
ABC a = null;
DEF d = null;
if (x instanceof ABC) {
// Safe to cast x to ABC type
a = (ABC)x;
else if (x instanceof DEF) {
// Safe to cast x to DEF type
d = (DEF)x;
If the left-hand operand of the instanceof operator is null or a reference variable, which points to null at
runtime, it returns false . The following snippet of code will also print false :
Giver ken = null;
if (ken instanceof Munificent) {
else {
You can conclude that if v instanceof XYZ returns true , you can assume the following two things safely:
v is not null . That is, v is pointing to a valid object in memory.
The cast
(XYZ)v will always succeed. That is, the following code is guaranteed to work at
runtime without a ClassCastException :
XYZ x = (XYZ)v;
Marker Interfaces
You can declare an interface with no members. Note that an interface can have members in two ways: by declaring
its own members or by inheriting members from its superinterfaces. When an interface has no members (declared
or inherited), it is known as a marker interface. A marker interface is also called a tag interface. What is the use of a
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