Java Reference
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abstract interface Updatable {
public abstract interface ReadOnly {
Interfaces in Java are implicitly abstract. Using the keyword abstract in their declarations is obsolete and it
should not be used in new programs. the above examples are only for illustration purpose.
Declaring Interface Members
An interface can have three types of members:
Constant fields
Abstract, static, and default methods
Static types (nested interfaces and classes)
Note that an interface declaration is much like a class declaration, except that an interface cannot have mutable
instance and class variables. Unlike a class, an interface cannot be instantiated. All members of an interface are
implicitly public.
Constant Fields Declarations
You can declare constant fields in an interface as shown in Listing 17-7. It declares an interface named Choices ,
which has declarations of two fields: YES and NO . Both are of int data type.
Listing 17-7. Declaring Fields in an Interface
package com.jdojo.interfaces;
public interface Choices {
public static final int YES = 1;
public static final int NO = 2;
All fields in an interface are implicitly public , static, and final . Although the interface declaration syntax permits
the use of these keywords in a field declaration, their use is redundant. It is recommended not to use these keywords
when declaring fields in an interface. The Choices interface can be declared as follows without changing its meaning:
public interface Choices {
int YES = 1;
int NO = 2;
You can access the fields in an interface using the dot notation in the form of
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