Java Reference
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Jack (a person) is walking.
Jeff (a duck) is walking.
John (a person) is walking.
How will your existing code change if you want to create a new class called Cat whose objects should have the
ability to walk? You will be surprised to see that you do not need to change anything in your existing code at all.
The Cat class should implement the Walkable interface and that is all. Listing 17-6 contains the code for the Cat class.
Listing 17-6. A Cat Class
package com.jdojo.interfaces;
public class Cat implements Walkable {
private String name;
public Cat(String name) { = name;
public void walk() {
System.out.println(name + " (a cat) is walking.");
You can use the following snippet of code to test the new Cat class with the existing code. Looking at the output,
you have made persons, ducks, and cats walk together by using the Walkable interface! This is one of the uses of an
interface in Java: it lets you put unrelated classes under one umbrella.
Walkable[] w = new Walkable[4];
w[0] = new Person("Jack");
w[1] = new Duck("Jeff");
w[2] = new Person("John");
w[3] = new Cat("Jace");
// Let everyone walk
Jack (a person) is walking.
Jeff (a duck) is walking.
John (a person) is walking.
Jace (a cat) is walking.
You have achieved the objective of making different kinds of objects walk together using the interface construct.
So, what is an interface anyway?
An interface in Java defines a reference type to specify an abstract concept. It is implemented by classes that
provide an implementation of the concept. Prior to Java 8, an interface could contain only abstract methods, so it
represented a pure abstract concept. Java 8 allows an interface to have static and default methods that can also
contain implementation. Interfaces let you define a relationship between unrelated classes through the abstract
concept. In your example, the Walkable interface represented a concept that enabled you to treat the two unrelated
classes of Person and Duck the same way because both implemented the same concept.
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