Java Reference
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An object of the Person class will have a name that will be set in its constructor. When it receives a “walk”
message, that is, when its walk() method is called, it prints a message in the standard output.
Let's create a utility class named Walkables , which is used to send a specific message to a collection of objects.
Let's assume that you want to add a letThemWalk() static method to the Walkables class, which accepts an array
of Person objects. It sends a “walk” message to all the elements in the array. You can define your Walkables class as
follows. The method does what its name suggests; that is, it lets everyone walk!
public class Walkables {
public static void letThemWalk(Person[] list){
for(Person person : list) {
The following snippet of code can be used to test the Person and Walkables classes:
public class WalkablesTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person[] persons = new Person[3];
persons[0] = new Person("Jack");
persons[1] = new Person("Jeff");
persons[2] = new Person("John");
// Let everyone walk
Jack (a person) is walking.
Jeff (a person) is walking.
John (a person) is walking.
So far, you don't see any problem with the design of the Person and Walkables classes, right? They perform the
actions they were designed to perform. The design of the Person class guarantees that its objects will respond to a
“walk” message. By declaring the Person array as the parameter type for the letThemWalk() method in the Walkables
class, the compiler makes sure that the call to persons[i].walk() is valid, because a Person object is guaranteed to
respond to the “walk” message.
Let's expand this project by adding a new class called Duck , which represents a duck in the real world. We all
know that a duck can also walk. A duck can do many other things that a person can or cannot do. However, for the
purpose of our discussion, we'll focus on only the walking ability of ducks. You can define your Duck class as follows:
public class Duck {
private String name;
public Duck(String name) { = name;
public void walk() {
System.out.println(name + " (a duck) is walking.");
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