Java Reference
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In the GenericSub class, the m1() and m2() methods override the corresponding methods in the GenericSuper
class. If you compare the methods m1() and m2() between Listing 16-41 and Listing 16-43 for overriding rules, you
would think that they do not have the same signature because the code in Listing 16-41 uses generics. The rules
for checking for override equivalent method signature is that if a method uses generic parameters, you need to
compare its erasure, not the generic version of its declaration. When you compare erasure of m1() and m2() method's
declaration in the GenericSuper class (in Listing 16-42) with m1() and m2() methods declarations in Listing 16-43, you
would find that m1() and m2() methods are overridden in the GenericSub class.
Typo Danger in Method Overriding
Sometimes it is easy to get it wrong when you try to override a method in a class. It may seem that you have overridden
a method when it is not overridden. Let's consider the following two classes, C1 and C2 :
package com.jdojo.inheritance;
public class C1 {
public void m1(double num) {
System.out.println("Inside C1.m1(): " + num);
package com.jdojo.inheritance;
public class C2 extends C1 {
public void m1(int num) {
System.out.println("Inside C2.m1(): " + num);
The intent was that the m1() method in class C2 overrides the m1() method of class C1 . However, this is not true.
It is a case of method overloading, not method overriding. The m1() method in C2 is overloaded; m1(double num) is
inherited from class C1 and m1(int num) is declared in C2 . Things becomes more difficult when you start running your
program and you do not get the desired results. Consider the following code snippet;
C1 c = new C2();
c.m1(10); // Which method is called - C1.m() or C2.m2()?
What should be printed when you execute the above code? It prints the following:
Inside C1.m1(): 10.0
Are you surprised to see the output of the above snippet of code? Let's discuss in detail what happens when the
above snippet of code is compiled and executed. When the compiler comes across the second statement, c.m1(10) ,
it does the following thing: it finds out the compile-time type of the reference variable c , which is C1 .
It looks for a method named m1 in C1 . The argument value 10 passed to the method m1() is an int . The compiler
looks for a method named m1 (inherited or declared) in C1 , which takes an int parameter. It finds that class C1 has
a method m1(double num) , which accepts a double parameter. It tries type-widening conversion and finds that
m1(double num) method in class C1 can be used for c.m1(10) method call. At this time, the compiler binds the
method signature for the call. Note that the compiler binds the method signature, not the method code. The method
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