Java Reference
In-Depth Information
FHidingSuper sup = new FHidingSuper( );
FHidingSub2 sub = new FHidingSub2( );
FHidingSub2 part of
instance variables
FHidingSuper part of
instance variables
Figure 16-4. Memory layout for objects of FHidingSuper and FHidingSub2 classes
Let's summarize the field hiding rules:
Field hiding occurs when a class declares a variable with the same name as an inherited
variable from its superclass.
Field hiding occurs only based on the name of the field. Access level, data type, and the type
of field ( static or non-static) are not considered for field hiding. For example, a static field
can hide an instance field. A field of int type can hide a field of String type, etc. A private
field in a class can hide a protected field in its superclass. A public field in a class can hide a
protected field in its superclass.
super to access the hidden fields of the superclass. The class
can use the simple names to access the redefined fields in its body.
A class should use the keyword
Disabling Inheritance
You can disable subclassing for a class by declaring the class final . You have seen the use of the final keyword before
for declaring constants. The same final keyword is used in a class declaration. A final class cannot be subclassed.
The following snippet of code declares a final class named Security :
public final class Security {
// Code goes here
The following declaration of class CrackedSecurity will not compile:
// Won't compile. Cannot inherit from Security
public final class CrackedSecurity extends Security {
// Code goes here
You can also declare a method as final . A final method cannot be overridden or hidden by a subclass. Since
a final method cannot be overridden or hidden, a call to a final method may be inlined by a code optimizer for
better performance.
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