Java Reference
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Listing 16-32. A FHidingSub2 Class That Inherits from FHidingSuper and Declares Two Variables with the Same
Name as Declared in Its Superclass
package com.jdojo.inheritance;
public class FHidingSub2 extends FHidingSuper {
// Hides num field in FHidingSuper class
private int num = 200;
// Hides name field in FHidingSuper class
private String name = "Wally Inman";
public void print() {
System.out.println("num: " + num);
System.out.println("name: " + name);
The FHidingSub2 class inherits from the FHidingSuper class. It declares two fields num and name , which have
the same names as the two fields declared in its superclass. This is a case of field hiding. The num and name fields in
FHidingSub2 hide the num and name fields that are inherited from the FHidingSuper class. When the num and name
fields are used by their simple names inside the FHidingSub2 class, they refer to the fields declared in the FHidingSub2
class, not to the inherited fields from the FHidingSuper class. This is verified by running the FHidingTest2 class as
listed in Listing 16-33.
Listing 16-33. A Test Class to Demonstrate Field Hiding
package com.jdojo.inheritance;
public class FHidingTest2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FHidingSub2 fhSub2 = new FHidingSub2();
num: 200
name: Wally Inman
The FHidingSub2 class has four fields, two inherited ( num and name ) and two declared ( num and name ). If you want
to refer to the inherited fields from the superclass, you need to qualify the field names with the keyword super . For
example, super.num and inside FHidingSub2 refers to the num and name fields in FHidingSuper class.
The print() method of the FHidingSub3 class in Listing 16-34 uses the keyword super to access hidden fields of
the superclass and uses the simple names of the fields to access fields from its own class. The output of Listing 16-35
verifies this.
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