Java Reference
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So, how do you fix the Manager2 class? There are many ways to fix it. Some of the ways you can fix the Manager2
class are as follows.
You can add a no-args constructor to the Employee2 class, like so:
public class Employee2 {
// A no-args constructor
public Employee2() {
/* All other code for class remains the same */
After adding a no-args constructor to the Employee2 class, the code for the Manager2 class will compile fine.
You can add a no-args constructor to the Manager2 class and explicitly call the constructor of the Employee2 class
with a String argument as
public class Manager2 extends Employee2 {
public Manager2() {
// Call constructor of Employee2 class explicitly
You can add a constructor to the Manager2 class, which takes a String argument and pass the argument value
to the Employee2 class constructor. This way, you can create a Manager by passing the name of the Manager as a
parameter to its constructor.
public class Manager2 extends Employee2 {
public Manager2(String name) {
// Call constructor of Employee2 class explicitly
Normally, the third option is used where you would provide a way to create an object of the Manager2 class
with manager's name. Note that Manager2 class does not have access to the name instance variable of the Employee2
class. Still, you can initialize the name instance variable in the Employee2 class from the Manager2 class using the
super keyword and invoking the constructor of the Employee2 class. Listing 16-24 has the complete code for the
Manager2 class that will compile. Listing 16-25 has code to test the Manager2 class and its output shows that it works
as expected.
Listing 16-24. A Manager2 Class That Has a Constructor That Accepts a String Argument. It Calls the Constructor of
the Employee2 Class Explicitly
package com.jdojo.inheritance;
public class Manager2 extends Employee2 {
public Manager2(String name) {
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