Java Reference
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followed by parentheses, it refers to the constructor of the superclass. If superclass constructor accepts parameters,
you can pass a list of parameters within parentheses similar to a method call. The following are examples of calling
constructor of a superclass:
// Call no-args constructor of superclass
// Call superclass constructor with a String argument
// Call superclass constructor with two double arguments
super(10.5, 89.2);
You can call constructor of the superclass explicitly or let the compiler inject the call to the no-args constructor
for you. When you compile the CSuper and CSub class, the compiler modifies their constructors' code, which looks as
shown in Listing 16-21 and Listing 16-22.
Listing 16-21. Compiler Injection of a super() Call to Call the Immediate Ancestor's no-args Constructor
package com.jdojo.inheritance;
public class CSuper {
public CSuper() {
super(); // Injected by the compiler
System.out.println("Inside CSuper() constructor.");
Listing 16-22. Compiler Injection of a super() Call to Call the Immediate Ancestor's no-args Constructor
package com.jdojo.inheritance;
public class CSub extends CSuper {
public CSub() {
super(); // Injected by the compiler
System.out.println("Inside CSub() constructor.");
the keyword super refers to the immediate ancestor of a class. You can call superclass constructors using the
super keyword only as the first statement inside a constructor.
You can also call the no-args constructor or any other constructors of the superclass explicitly as the first
statement inside constructors of your class. The compiler injects the no-args constructor call only if you have not
added one explicitly. Let's try to improve your Employee and Manager classes. Let's add a constructor to the Employee
class that accepts the name of the employee as a parameter. You will call the new class Employee2 , as shown in
Listing 16-23.
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