Java Reference
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You can write the following snippet of code:
P p = // get an object reference of P or its descendant;
try {
Employee emp = p.getEmp(10);
catch (EmpNotFoundException e) {
// Handle the exception here
There are two points that need to be considered in the above snippet of code. First, the variable p, which is of
type P , can point to an object of type P or to an object of any descendant of class P . Second, when p.getEmp(10) method
is called, the compiler verifies that the declared type of variable p ( P class) has a getEmp() method, which accepts
one parameter of type int , returns an Employee type object and throws EmpNotFoundException . These pieces of
information are verified by the compiler with class P . The assumption made (and verified, too) by the compiler about
the getEmp() method should never be invalidated at runtime. Otherwise, it will result in a chaos; code compiles,
but might not run.
Let's consider one of the possible cases of overriding the getEmp() method as shown:
public class Q extends P {
public Manager getEmp(int empId) {
// code goes here
If the variable p is assigned an object of class Q , the code
Employee emp = p.getEmp(10);
inside the try-catch block is still valid. In this case, the variable p will refer to an object of class Q whose getEmp()
method returns a Manager object and does not throw any exception. Returning a Manager object from the getEmp()
method is fine because you can assign a Manager object to the emp variable, which is a case of upcasting.
Not throwing an exception from the getEmp() method is also fine because the code was ready to handle the exception
(by using a try-catch block) in case the exception was thrown.
What is the reason behind the access level rules for overriding methods? Note that when a variable p accesses
the getEmp() method, the compiler verifies that the code, where p.getEmp() is used, has access to the getEmp()
method of class P . If the subclasses of P reduces the access level, the same code, p.getEmp() , may not work at runtime,
because the code executing the statement may not have access to the getEmp() method in the descendant of class P .
Let's consider the following definition of class Q2 , which inherits from class P . It overrides the getEmp() method
and replaces the EmpNoFoundException with another checked exception named BadEmpIdException .
// Won't compile
public class Q2 extends P {
public Manager getEmp(int empId) throws BadEmpIdException {
// code goes here
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