Java Reference
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When statement #3 is ready to execute, at that time the expression with the typecast still refers to an object
of LateBindingSub type, and therefore, the print() method of the LateBindingSub class will be called. This is
confirmed by the third line in the output.
Let's consider two lines of code to discuss statement #4:
lbSuper = lbSub; // Upcasting
lbSuper.print(); // #4
The first source line assigns lbSub to lbSuper . The effect of this line is that lbSuper variable starts referring to an
object of LateBindingSub object. When statement #4 is ready to execute, the runtime needs to find the code for the
print() method. The runtime finds that the runtime type of the lbSuper variable is the LateBindingSub class. It looks
for the print() method in the LateBindingSub class and finds it right there. Therefore, statement #4 executes the
print() method in the LateBindingSub class. This is confirmed by the fourth line in the output.
Late binding incurs a small performance overhead compared to early binding because the method calls are
resolved at runtime. however, many techniques (e.g. virtual method table) can be used to implement late binding, so the
performance hit is minimal or negligible. the benefit of late binding overshadows the little performance hit. It lets you
implement inclusion polymorphism. When you write code like a2.print() , the a2 variable exhibits polymorphic
behavior with respect to the print() method. the same code, a2.print() , may call the print() method of the
class of the a2 variable or any of its descendant classes depending on what type of object a2 is referring to at runtime.
Inheritance and late binding lets you write polymorphic code, which is written in terms of superclass type and works for
all subclass types as well.
Method Overriding
Redefining an instance method in a class, which is inherited from the superclass, is called method overriding.
Let's consider the following declarations of class A and class B :
public class A {
public void print() {
public class B extends A {
public void print() {
Class B is a subclass of class A . Class B inherits the print() method from its superclass and redefines it. It is said
that the print() method in class B overrides the print() method of class A . It is like class B telling class A , “Thanks for
being my superclass and letting me inherit your print() method. However, I need to work differently. I am going to
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