Java Reference
In-Depth Information
If a class member is declared protected , it is accessible in the package in which it is declared. A protected class
member is always accessible inside the body of a subclass whether the subclass is in the same package as the class
or in a different package. A protected class member is inherited by a subclass. The protected access modifier is
used with a class member when you want subclasses to access and inherit the class member. Note that a protected
class member can be accessed through the package in which it is declared and inside subclasses. If you want to
provide access to a class member only from inside its package, you should use a package-level access modifier, not a
protected access modifier.
If a class member is declared package-level, it is accessible only inside the package in which the class is declared.
A package-level class member is inherited only if the superclass and subclass are in the same package. If the
superclass and the subclass are in different packages, the subclass does not inherit package-level members from
its superclass.
the access modifiers build on each other where you start with no access to the outside world (private), and add
to it, first package (default), then subclasses (protected), and then the world (public).
Let's look at your example of inheritance in Listing 16-1 and Listing 16-2. The Employee class has three members:
a name field, a getName() method, and a setName() method. The name field has been declared private and hence it
is not accessible inside the Manager class because it is not inherited. The getName() and setName() methods have
been declared public and they are accessible from anywhere including the Manager class. They are inherited from the
Employee class by the Manager class, though since they are public, the fact they are inherited doesn't matter.
Upcasting and Downcasting
An “is-a” relationship in the real world translates into inheritance class hierarchy in software. A class is a type in
Java. When you express the “is-a” relationship using inheritance, you create a subclass, which is a more specific type
of the superclass. For example, a Manager is a specific type of Employee . An Employee is a specific type of Object .
As you move up in the inheritance hierarchy, you move from a specific type to a more general type. How does
inheritance affect the client code? In this context, the client code is any code that uses the classes in a class hierarchy.
Inheritance guarantees that whatever behavior is present in a class will also be present in its subclass. A method in
a class represents a behavior of the objects of that class. This means that whatever behavior a client code expects to
be present in a class will also be present in the class's subclass. This leads to the conclusion that if client code works
with a class, it will also work with the class's subclass, because a subclass guarantees at least the same behaviors as its
superclass. For example, the Manager class provides at least the same behaviors as provided by its superclass Employee .
Consider the following snippet of code:
Employee emp;
emp = new Employee();
emp.setName("Richard Castillo");
String name = emp.getName();
This snippet of code compiles without any errors. When the compiler comes across emp.setName("Richard
Castillo") and emp.getName() calls, it checks the declared type of the emp variable. It finds that the declared type
of the emp variable is Employee . It makes sure that the Employee class has setName() and getName() methods that
conform to the call being made. It finds that the Employee class does have a setName() method that takes a String as
a parameter. It finds that the Employee class does have a getName() method that takes no parameters and returns a
String . After verifying these two facts, the compiler is fine with the emp.setName() and emp.getName() method calls.
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