Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The for - each loop uses the same for keyword used by the basic for loop. Its body is executed as many times
as the number of elements in the array. DataType e is a variable declaration, where e is the variable name and
DataType is its data type. The data type of the variable e should be assignment-compatible with the type of the array .
The variable declaration is followed by a colon ( : ), which is followed by the reference of the array that you want to
loop through. The for - each loop assigns the value of an element of the array to the variable e , which you can use
inside the body of the loop. The following snippet of code uses a for - each loop to print all elements of an int array:
int[] numList = {1, 2, 3};
for(int num : numList) {
You can accomplish the same thing using the basic for loop, as follows:
int[] numList = {1, 2, 3};
for(int i = 0; i < numList.length; i++) {
int num = numList[i];
Note that the for - each loop provides a way to loop through elements of an array, which is cleaner than the basic
for loop. However, it is not a replacement for the basic for loop because you cannot use it in all circumstances. For
example, you cannot access the index of the array element and you cannot modify the value of the element inside the
loop as you do not have the index of the element.
Array Declaration Syntax
You can declare an array by placing brackets ( [] ) after the data type of the array or after the name of the array
reference variable. For example, the following declaration
int[] empIds;
int[][] points2D;
int[][][] points3D;
Person[] persons;
is equivalent to
int empIds[];
int points2D[][];
int points3D[][][];
Person persons[];
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