Java Reference
In-Depth Information
ArrayList and Vector classes work the same way, except that the methods in the Vector class are
synchronized, whereas methods in ArrayList are not. If your object list is accessed and modified by multiple threads
simultaneously, use the Vector class, which will be slower but thread safe. Otherwise, you should use the ArrayList
class. For the rest of the discussion, I will refer to ArrayList only. However, the discussion applies to Vector as well.
The big difference between arrays and the ArrayList class is that the later works with only objects, not with
primitive data types. The ArrayList class is a generic class and it takes the type of its elements as the type parameter.
If you want to work with primitive values, you need to declare an ArrayList of one of the wrapper classes. For
example, use ArrayList<Integer> to work with int elements.
The following code fragment illustrates the use of the ArrayList class:
import java.util.ArrayList;
// Create an ArrayList of Integer
ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>();
// Get the size of array list
int total = ids.size(); // total will be zero at this point
// Print the details of array list
System.out.println("ArrayList size is " + total);
System.out.println("ArrayList elements are " + ids);
// Add three ids 10, 20, 30 to the array list.
ids.add(new Integer(10)); // Adding an Integer object.
ids.add(20); // Adding an int. Autoboxing is at play.
ids.add(30); // Adding an int. Autoboxing is at play.
// Get the size of the array list
total = ids.size(); // total will be 3
// Print the details of array list
System.out.println("ArrayList size is " + total);
System.out.println("ArrayList elements are " + ids);
// Clear all elements from array list
// Get the size of the array list
total = ids.size(); // total will be 0
// Print the details of array list
System.out.println("ArrayList size is " + total);
System.out.println("ArrayList elements are " + ids);
ArrayList size is 0
ArrayList elements are []
ArrayList size is 3
ArrayList elements are [10, 20, 30]
ArrayList size is 0
ArrayList elements are []
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