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The following snippet of code formats the current date and time in the default locale (US in this case). You will
get different output when you run the code. It uses a ZonedDateTime argument that holds the current date/time with
time zone.
ZonedDateTime currentTime =;
System.out.printf("%tA %<tB %<te, %<tY %n", currentTime);
System.out.printf("%TA %<TB %<te, %<tY %n", currentTime);
System.out.printf("%tD %n", currentTime);
System.out.printf("%tF %n", currentTime);
System.out.printf("%tc %n", currentTime);
System.out.printf("%Tc %n", currentTime);
Saturday January 25, 2014
Sat Jan 25 00:47:26 CST 2014
SAT JAN 25 00:47:26 CST 2014
Note the effect of using the uppercase variant 'T' as the conversion character. It formats the argument in
uppercase letters. The definition of uppercase depends on the locale that is used. If the locale does not have different
uppercase and lowercase letters, the output will be the same when you use 'T' or 't' as the conversion character.
In this chapter, you learned how to format dates and times using the DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat classes
in the java.text package. The DateFormat class formats dates and times using predefined formats whereas the
SimpleDateFormat class lets you specify custom formats.
The NumberFormat class is used to format a number in a particular locale's predefined format. The DecimalFormat
class is used to format a number in a format of your choice in a particular locale.
You can use printf -style formatting using the java.util.Formatter class to format strings, numbers, and
date/time. It lets you send the formatted output to a StringBuilder , a StringBuffer , a File , an OutputStream ,
a PrintStream , etc. You have been using the System.out.format() and System.out.printf () methods to send the
formatted output to the standard output. Use the static String.format() method to get a formatted string.
Use a Formatter to send the formatted output to the destination of your choice. You can implement the Formattable
interface to apply a custom formatting to the objects of the class.
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