Java Reference
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The general syntax for a format specifier for integral number formatting is as follows:
Note that precision part in a format specifier is not applicable to integral number formatting. The following
snippet of code demonstrates the use of the 'd' conversion with various flags to format integers:
System.out.printf("'%d' %n", 1969);
System.out.printf("'%6d' %n", 1969);
System.out.printf("'%-6d' %n", 1969);
System.out.printf("'%06d' %n", 1969);
System.out.printf("'%(d' %n", 1969);
System.out.printf("'%(d' %n", -1969);
System.out.printf("'% d' %n", 1969);
System.out.printf("'% d' %n", -1969);
System.out.printf("'%+d' %n", 1969);
System.out.printf("'%+d' %n", -1969);
' 1969'
'1969 '
' 1969'
When conversions 'o' and 'x' are used with a negative argument of byte , Byte , short , Short , int , Integer ,
long , and Long data types, the argument value is first converted to an unsigned number by adding a number 2N to
it, where N is the number of bits used to represent the value of the data type of the argument. For example, if the
argument data type is byte , which takes 8 bits to store the value, the argument value of -X will be converted to a
positive value of -X + 256 by adding 256 to it and the result contain the base-8 or base-16 equivalent of the value
-X + 256 . The conversions 'o' and 'x' do not transform the negative argument value to an unsigned value for a
BigInteger argument type. Consider the following snippet of code and the output:
byte b1 = 9;
byte b2 = -9;
System.out.printf("%o %n", b1);
System.out.printf("%o %n", b2);
The conversion 'o' outputs the base-8 integer 11 for a positive decimal integer 9. However, when a negative
decimal integer -9 is used with the 'o' conversion, -9 is converted to a positive number -9 + 256 ( =247 ). The final
output contains 367 , which is the base-8 equivalent of the decimal 247 .
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